A Touch of Peace
Mary Poulter 920-264-3562 mary@60minutevacation.com

What I do

I work using techniques that warm the tissue up and allow me access to the muscle and fascia in a noninvasive way. My intent is release and relief, not pain. With that in mind, my methods generally give very little discomfort at all as I work with and against the grain of the muscle to get it to relax. Some go to a massage therapist for pain relief, some to relax, and some come to experience massage for the first time. I welcome everyone with a massage that fits that day's need.  

Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage$65 / 60 minutes
Reiki$65 / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$40 / 30 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$75 / 60 minutes
Therapeutic Massage$100 / 90 minutes
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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